A.I.S.E. Cleaning and Hygiene Forum 2017
Brussels, 7 December 2017
A.I.S.E., the International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products, brought together a wide range of stakeholders at its second Cleaning and Hygiene Forum. The Forum addressed various perspectives on the future of the industry and its innovation opportunities.
The European detergent and maintenance products industry provides numerous benefits to society in and outside the home: ensuring essential hygiene, protecting health, enabling convenient lifestyles, preserving goods and installations. A.I.S.E.’s Director General, Susanne Zänker introduced the event by saying: “Our industry is key to citizens’ health and needs to be able to continue delivering its products and services and innovate. Our long history of open dialogue and constructive cooperation with all interested stakeholders is a strong asset but we need to also be able to rely on a truly single market for more efficiency and business certainty. We are eager to address our various points with European Authorities, Member States and ECHA to this end.”